Corona crisis

The pandemic threatens societies and citizens everywhere. Governments, health care providers and citizens have to face this threat together to overcome it. G&I International supports these efforts wherever it is present. G&II strengthens the ability of organizations, managers and professionals to make the right decisions and to prevent wrongdoing in these extremely challenging circumstances. 

Justice in times of corona means saving lives, mourning the dead and finding a way out that works.

G&II offers to facilitate moral deliberations around difficult corona decisions for government organisations, local governments, health organizations and civil society organizations. It will do the same for financial institutions with regard to decisions relating to the economic crisis.

G&II offers to help organizations to assess specific violation risks that emerge because of the corona- and the economic crisis and to help them mitigate those risks.

G&II is working to create a moral archive of the corona-care, as a basis for real-time moral deliberation and future debriefings of professionals, for public reconciliation and for institutional learning.